The Features
BloodFeud is a game that is firmly focussed on providing a rewarding and realistic game experience through the use of its innovative play features.
Its all about YOU - In BloodFeud, you are not playing with someone elses models, armies and heroes. In BloodFeud, YOU lead YOUR army on the battlefield by creating an avatar of yourself to be your warlord and equipping yourself with weapons and armor as you choose.
Battle Buddy AI - BloodFeud offers the player a revolutionary system for solo and cooperative. The Battle Buddy AI system allows players to play against an enemy, or with an ally, that takes actions based on objectives and opposing forces, in a coordinated army wide strategy. With scaleable difficulty, the Battle Buddy AI can be a fantastic sparring partner or a deadly foe - underestimate it at your peril.
Before the Battle Cards - This feature focusses on the factors that lead up to battle that can determine the outcome. The ‘Before the Battle’ card draw adds the first element of BloodFeuds ‘1 battle - 1000 outcomes’ principle of variation and replayability. Preparation is key to performance!
Battle Rages On Cards - This feature again focusses on the random and unforseen events that occur in the heat of battle and introduce the ‘instability’ of combat that can make a victory, or break it. This feature is the second principle of ‘1 battle - 1000 outcomes’ and can provide the player an opportunity to strike back. No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy!
Unit Activation - In a step away from ‘I Go/You Go’ gameplay, the warlords, characters and units on both sides activate relative to their own statistics, meaning faster and lighter units can take actions before heavier and slower units. This gives both players an equal opportunity to enact their strategies and outmaneuver their enemies. Unit activation includes movement, ranged combat, close combat, issuing of orders in the case of characters and warlords, and other special actions relevant to specific units and characters. A warlord who knows his own army, and his enemies, will not fear the result of a hundred battles!
Adaptive Terrain - The concept of a ‘hill’ just being a ‘hill’ is replaced with a system of variability, so that the terrain within a battle can be explored and its true strategic value exploited. This feature focuses on a card draw that can enhance or diminish the strategic value of battlefield terrain and can even provide the player with additional units and equipment and adds an element of the unknown.
Innovative Combat - Close combat in BloodFeud is simultaneous, fast and seamless. Players can no longer rush in and attack knowing that the counter-attack will be weak. Combat is simultaneous (just like real life) and the force that has superior combat power will prevail. Ranged combat in BloodFeud also aims for realism by requiring players to guess the range to target, and then adjust their guess based on the skill of the firing models. This means that the first shots may go wide, but again, just like real life, once the player has their eye dialled in the firepower can be delivered with great accuracy, or an early lucky volley could turn the tide.
Combat Outcome Effects - The art of killing on the BloodFeud battlefield isn’t restricted to hit points, wounds and saves. Every time an attack is completed the full effect of the casualties inflicted can cause a battle line to waiver, get pushed back or even break, resulting in further disadvantage for the losing side. This emphasises the power of ‘breaking the line’ to achieve victory, as opposed to just killing enemies.
Battle Orders - The warlord and their lieutenants can have a powerful effect on combat performance. The right order at the right time can increase the combat power of a unit, or cause the enemy to waiver. This feature emphasises leading from the front, but remember, your warlord, just like you, is only human!
The Role of Religion - Divination deals with the concept of religion, conviction and belief, as a critical component of the psychology of battle. Omens, portents and hexes reign as the priests, monks and crones call for divine intervention to strengthen their allies and disrupt their enemies. While not specifically ‘magic’ this phase allows players to engage the cultural and religious practices of factions to provide support during desperate times. Many strategies have been developed and many battles have been won by the strength of ‘consulting the bones’ or through the incantation of prayer before battle - religious belief can cut as deeply as a blade or shield a bearer from one!
D10 Die Rolling - The 10 sided die or D10 offers the player more opportunity for variability of success and rolling. Further, a D10 system offers greater variation in the types and statistics of units, and this in turn provides a more realistic and rounded game mechanic.
Fast Play - The rolling mechanics in BloodFeud are designed to enhance speed of play. Attack rolls, armor saves and combat effects are all built into one roll. In a world where everyone is busy and time is precious, BloodFeud can provide a full and fulfilling battle experience in as little as 45 minutes for a 250 point battle, and a little over an hour for a major engagement of 500 points.
Custom Miniatures - The miniatures in BloodFeud are designed to be reposeable and be parts interchangeable. At this end of the day there’s not much fun playing with someone elses models. BloodFeud offers you to make your army your own, and play the way you want to play.
WarChest App - The WarChest App offers players the opportunity to build their army lists, create their Warlord avatar and convert their army list into the real deal and have it delivered - right in the App.